I Have Vises...

Lug Vises that is....It's been a machining heavy week for me at FARR Frameworks.  I'm currently in between frame builds and just getting pounded with tooling orders.  At times it can be quite overwhelming.  Every tool I finish and ship out 2-3 follow shortly behind.  It's not a bad problem to have, and I'm humbled that people are excited for the things I'm making.  I've worked hard on nailing down the designs and really getting them to a point where I feel I can attach my name to them.  If you are interested in something I make, or have an idea, please don't hesitate to contact me. 

I've had a chance to work on Lug Vises for Winter Bicycles, Zukas Cycles, Walker Custom Cycles and Fernando this week.   I've also been finishing a Head Tube Reamer for Seth Rosko.  The FARR Lug Vise was officially released about 2 weeks ago, if you are interested please visit the FARR Tooling page. 

As "Farr" as the bike front, I had a bunch of parts delivered yesterday.  I have a custom wheelset that I will be building up, and I will be finishing another complete bike.  Also, I think Kyle and I have come to an agreement on paint scheme, so I will be dropping his frame off to get some color as well!  With every hurdle, I press on and move forward!  



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